Thursday, January 15, 2015

James Back to School

     Winter break felt like it lasted forever! It was 3 weeks off of school but James was sick for a week and half before break started so he was actually out of school for almost 5 weeks!

     He fell right back into the swing of things. His bus drivers said he was cheerful and giggly. His teacher said he remembered and followed his routine just fine.

     When James turned 3 he received his diagnosis of autism and sensory processing disorder (SPD), he started attending a 5 hour a day, 5 day a week preschool program for children with autism at a local elementary school. I was so nervous for him at the beginning. But I quickly noticed a huge positive change in his attitude.  

     Before entering preschool, he had a vocabulary of about 20 words and signs. For a 3 year old, that is incredibly low. After a week or two of being in school, he was attempting so many new words and sounds. He was bringing his school structure home with him as well. What a blessing those teachers are. I so appreciate the work they do and the patience they have!

    James came home with his first progress report of the year. Before each school year we sit down with his team of teachers, case workers, and local advocates to discuss what his academic goals are. Called an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). He has already met 4/5 of his goals!! Yipee!

     His annual goals and objectives are;

  • Using a verbal prompt, he will use a functional system of communication, (signs, words, PECS), with 80% accuracy. Goal MET!
  • Using a verbal prompt, he will repeat words/signs as modeled, with 80% accuracy.  Goal NOT MET.  James has demonstrated that he does imitate but only about 10-20% of the time, with maximum prompting.
  • He will participate in circle time activities that involve the use of vocabulary, (songs, music, reading, etc.), with 80% accuracy. Goal MET!
  • James will demonstrate meaningful, intentional communication with a social partner by attending, interacting, and participating with his peers during structured activities and play. To be observed at least 3-5 times daily. Goal MET! (well, only partially in my opinion) He will make eye contact and attempt to get an adult's attention before he requests what he wants by either pointing, or attempting to say the word. (Nothing noted about his interaction with his classmates)
  • When given a prompt to transition, he will independently transition to a new activity with 100% independence on 4/5 transitions, on 3 different days. Goal MET! When handed his transition slip, he will say "purple", (the color that it is), and go to his visual schedule and check it without adult assistance and go to the correct area.
I am so looking forward to seeing what else he accomplishes by the end of the school year!

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