Monday, March 9, 2015

Catching my Breath

     The past 3 weeks or so have been  a blur. One event or project after another. I've been so stoked about the weather warming up here that I've spent a lot of time trying to get my garden planted up. Also teaching the kids to now stay out of my flower beds! Frustrating. 

     Even more frustrating and time consuming, potty training. Yes, James and I have gone down the rabbit hole of toileting. It's been almost a week and a half now and I am so over it. I would rather have a newborn than a toddler learning to use the potty. But, I know I can't give up now as I have in the past. His teacher was actually the one to give me the push to get started. I wanted to wait until this summer. James can't move up and on to any new class settings until we get him potty trained. So this is crucial to his progress in school. If anyone has any tips I would love to hear. Bear in mind he is on the autism spectrum, but he is super smart. 

    On another note,  even though I've been busy, I haven't stopped cooking and I have lots of recipes waiting in the wings to be shared! In the meantime I'll share some pictures from the  past few weeks.

This beautiful baby girl made her debut just before Valentine's Day. 

You can find pics of her lovely mama at her baby shower in this post.
Now her and I each have a son and a daughter and I am so looking forward to the years to come of them growing up together. What's funny to us is that my children are 15 months a part and they teased me when I got pregnant again when my baby was only 6 1/2 months old. After she had her first baby I would tease them right back and sure enough she got pregnant again less than 6 months after. Haha so hers are 14 months apart. I've known this woman since I was 5 years old and it's such a trip how our little families are paralleling each other. :)

Caught these two in the act! 

James had the time of his life on a field trip to a bounce house place.  Think, a warehouse filled with giant inflatable slides, obstacle course, and jump houses. The most amazing place on earth to a 3 year old.

On one of our frequent Target runs. Brooklynn had to stop and say hi to the dog.

For our wedding anniversary which was March 3rd, Steven got me  tickets to see my favorite reggae group, Iration. I got to meet them and view a private performance!! 

It has been so warm here I brought out the water table for James & Brooklynn.
They think it's a pool...

Steven's twin sister came this past weekend to celebrate their birthday.

Happy 27th Steven and Stefanie!

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