Wednesday, March 25, 2015


    Spring has definitely sprung here and I have so been enjoying being outside. Still nursing my little garden. Things are sprouting slowly, but I'm having a real problem with pests. My poor little seedlings are getting eaten alive before they even stand a chance. And between my kids and the dogs running through it, the seeds have become scattered about and a lot of things are growing out of place. It looks a little pathetic. XD But I really started this thing on a whim so I guess this is what I should've expected!  I've been using a pest spray I made myself of onions, garlic, habanero pepper and dish soap that I found online. I've only used it for about a week. Seems to have made a bit of difference, so I'll keep going with it and see what happens. Although I buy produce at the store I know are treated with un-natural pesticides, it really puts me off to spray chemicals on my food myself. (If I didn't see it, it technically didn't happen, right? lol. If my husband were here he would make a joke about quantum physics.) 

   Anyway, the kids are having a ball with this weather too. Who's ready for some pictures?

We love our walks. There's always a new flower to smell, squirrels to chase, people to say hello to. The neighborhood is lovely right now and feels so alive. 

Bonus! Our area of town has back to back block sales all spring. So excited for that. I already scored a very nice, and very pricey Medela breast pump for $35 at my neighbors yard sale!! Also a huge deal because Steven was totally ok with it, so you know what that means... :)

So much nakedness around here lately. We've been enjoying a lot of lunches outside. Between playing outside in the water and potty training, pants are useless at this point.

There's my little garden plot in the background. Not much to look at right now.

So much fresh produce. The produce stands around here are just starting to have more variety. The strawberries in particular have been amazing.

Steven has been happily working on brewing a batch of beer. Brooklynn had fun "helping" cap the the bottles. 

Kinetic Sand. One of their favorite activities.

West Coast I hope you're enjoying early Spring! East Coast, here's to hoping your snow melts soon! 

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