Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Very Valentine-y Weekend Part 1

    It was another 3 day weekend here. (And another one next week.) I'm super excited for Valentine's Day this year. I just love to do festive stuff with the kids. 

    My first project was to make James' class valentines. I got this cute idea from pinterest to use lollipops to make heart flowers.

It took a lot of hearts! 10 for his classmates, 5 for his teacher & aids, 1 for his speech therapist, and 2 for his bus drivers. 18 valentines total! Luckily I had a lot of construction paper left from Brooklynn's party decorations.

I used a hot glue gun to secure the lollipops and the leaves.

I think they turned out so cute.

Saturday we made butterflies!

They picked the colors of their construction paper and I gave them some crayons to color.

I secured the pipe cleaners, paper and googly eyes with hot glue to 2 toilet paper rolls.

I cut two hearts out of contrasting color construction paper and they decorated their wings with crayons and pom poms.

James just wanted to shove all the pom poms inside his butterfly. Haha

She loved her butterfly!

I loved seeing which colors they chose! Too much cuteness.

Later the kids went outside to play in the mud puddles after a rainstorm.
I wasn't even thinking about taking a before picture because a lot of dirt was being tracked through house, but I got a shot of  the happy campers in the tub.

Brooklynn insisted she bring her cup with her.

And James requested green bath water.

These Color Changing Bath Drops   are awesome. The kids get so excited about the water changing color.

More to come!!

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