Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Sickness that Never Ends and Our New Addition

     I am SO SICK of BEING SICK! This is ridiculous. We've all gotten sick once a month since December! We've spent the past few days going between urgent care and the emergency room.  Saturday James had a fever of 103.   Monday Brooklynn had a fever of 104. It's now caught up to me. I don't feel super bad, yet, but I am so stuffed up I can hardly breath. Is the cold and flu season over yet?! 

     In other news, we adopted a baby kitty over the weekend! We went to our SPCA where they had many kittens that were not old enough to put up for adoption. So we learned about the foster to adopt program. Our kitten is only about 4 weeks old. We are technically fostering him until he gets to 2 lbs/8 weeks old.  And guess what! Even the CAT is sick!! But this program is great because the SPCA pays for half of the medical costs while we are fostering.

    Brooklynn loves cats and we thought this was a good time to adopt. When we got him home and put him in her lap, she was beaming.  We are now working on being gentle, not picking the cat up by his neck, tail, etc. He is taking everything very well. He puts up with the kids and the dogs. He is very playful and loves to cuddle. I have missed having a cat.

We're calling him Chevy.

Vida is very suspicious of him. 

Two sick babies. :(

Crossing my fingers the season of sickness ends soon and I get some energy back! 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Greek Style Broccoli Salad

    I usually make a big batch of some type of salad and eat it throughout the week. It saves a lot of time for me to only have to prep my lunch once or twice a week. Today, I made this yummy twist on traditional broccoli salad. 

Greek Style Broccoli Salad


- 1/2 cup olive oil
-1/4 cup red wine vinegar
- 1 1/2 tsp minced garlic
- 1 1/2 tsp dried oregano
- 1 tsp dijon mustard
- 1/2 tsp honey
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp pepper


- 1 head broccoli, cut into small florets
- 15 oz can Garbanzo Beans
- half a red onion, diced
- 1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese
- 1/4 cup Kalamata olives, chopped
- 1/2 cup chopped sundried tomatoes
- 1/4 cup sunflower kernels
- spring mix lettuce

1) Whisk together all dressing ingredients, set aside.

2) Combine all salad ingredients, toss.

3) Place about 1 cup spring lettuce mix on each place, top with broccoli mix, top with a couple tablespoons of dressing. 

If you're serving immediately, you can toss everything together, including dressing. Otherwise best to leave separate so the greens don't wilt.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015


    Gosh, I haven't been on my blogging game everyone! We've been battling colds, ear infections, allergies. Ugh. Everyone recovered in time for Easter though, thankfully! James is back to school now after Spring break so that frees me up, a little.

     We kicked off Easter on Saturday. We made this super easy white chocolate and colored marshmallow Easter bark. The kids loved helping and taste testing. Saturday evening we dyed eggs. We ended up with a huge puddle of muddled  egg dye, but the kids loved it. ;)

Sunday morning we did Easter baskets and an egg hunt. They did so well with the egg hunt this year. I decked out the back yard with eggs, plus we got them new bubbles , new toys for their water table, and new sand for their sandbox. They had a ball playing outside all day. 

We had only a small group this year for Easter dinner. It was actually kind of nice to not have to cook for an army. But I did miss the rest of our family. Steven was in charge of the ham which is a tradition we started 3 years ago. He puts the ham on the rotisserie on the barbeque and tops it with a tasty glaze. He never writes down the recipe for the glaze, so it's different every year. This year it was a Dijon-Bourbon glaze and it was delicious!! I made French Onion Soup in the slow cooker, and Steven's favorite Broccoli Salad.

Sipping my morning tea stuffing Easter eggs and baskets.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with family and friends!